* Draw back of the block diagram reduction techniques :
--- Draw back of the block diagram reduction techniques is that it is a lengthy method.
And this type of drawback is not present in the another method of obtaining the transfer function which is known signal flow graph method.
* Signal flow graph method :
Signal flow graph method is discovered by S.T. MASON .
--- Signal flow graph method is also regarded as a modification of the block diagram.
* Basic modification in the signal flow graph method :
--- In signal flow graph there are following modification from block diagram reduction techniques :
I . Take off point: Take off point in signal flow graph method is represented as :
II . Block: Block in the signal flow graph method is represented as :
III . Summing point: Summing point in the signal flow graph method is represented as :
* Terms used in the signal flow graph method :
I . Loop gain: Loop gain is defined as’ the multiplication of the branch transmittance of the different loops'.
II . Forward path: Forward path is defined as ‘ path which is starting from one node and end to another node in the forward direction without crossing any node.
III . Forward path - gain : Forward path gain is defined as ' the multiplication of the branch transmittance of the different forward path '.
* Mason ‘ s gain formula :
--- Mason ‘s gain formula is written as :
- T = Transfer function .
- Mk = Gain of the forward-path.

-🔺k = The value of the signal flow graph determinant ‘🔺 ‘ for which part of the graph not touching the forward path .

* Procedure to solve the signal flow graph by mason ‘s gain formula :
--- The procedure to solve the signal flow graph by mason ‘s gain formula is given as :
I . Find out the total no. of the forward path .
II . Find the product of the gain of the different forward path .
III . Find the total no. of individual loop ( closed path ) .
IV . Find out the total gain of the individual loops .
V . Find out the total no. of the non - touching loops ( Those loops which are not in touch with the other loop i.e., which are not joint to any common node with different loop) .
VI . Find out the total gain of the non - touching loop ( product of the gain of the non - touching loop ).


🔺1 = 1 - ( sum of the gain of the loop non - touching the 1st forward path ).
Similarly ,

🔺 k = 1 - ( sum of the gain of the loop of the non - touching kth forward path ).

Where ,

XII . Find out the transfer function where transfer function is given as ,
Mk = Gain of the forward path .

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